The good economic health of Germany
Germany has
resisted better than its continental neighbors to the economic crisis.
With its relatively low unemployment rate and a still healthy growth
rate, it attracts a large number of young European graduates willing to
use their freedom of movement. The number of immigrants from the EU
Member States was above average. According to statistics from the
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), around 439,000 people
from the EU immigrated to Germany in 2017, up from 277,000 in 2016. As a
result, immigrants came mainly from Europe. ballast. One third came
from Poland, another third from Romania, followed by Bulgaria.
In order to make up for its shortage of qualified manpower, Germany
has to rely, in addition, on skilled workers from outside Europe.
According to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, 21,727 EU
blue cards were issued in Germany in 2017, up from 17,362 the previous
year. Of the cards issued in 2017, 11,738 were new, ie cards issued to
persons who did not have a residence permit in Germany before.
Training Policy and Labor Market Requirements
A final explanation for the current skills gap in Germany is the
persistent mismatch between training policy and the real needs of the
labor market. In order to function, the German economy will increasingly
need skilled workers, be they academics (Akademiker) or skilled workers
(Facharbeiter), but in specific fields and geographical areas. That is
why Germany has drawn up a list of shortage trades (Mangelberufe) whose
needs have been quantified according to each Bundesland. For these
trades, of which we give you a non-exhaustive list below, the conditions
for obtaining the Blue Card have therefore been considerably relaxed.
What is the Blue Card?
Blue Card
Source: Opihuck (talk) – Bundesgesetzblatt 2012, I S. 1230, Gemeinfrei
A European immigration measure was chosen
At the origin of the Blue Card is a European Commission Directive
dating from 2009 (2009/50 / EG), aimed at harmonizing between EU
countries (with the exception of the United Kingdom, Denmark, and
Ireland) the conditions for obtaining a work and residence permit for
qualified immigrant workers from non-European countries
The term Blue Card obviously refers to the famous North American
Green Card, the blue color evoking the European star flag. Nevertheless,
the Blue Card differs widely from the Green Card if only because its
conditions of attribution, including income and qualification
conditions, are strictly defined, whereas even today, the Green Card is
issued by drawing
Finally, the economic immigration that the Blue Card proposes to
simplify for skilled workers should not be confused with immigration for
political (asylum seekers) or family reasons (family reunification).
Immigrants eligible for a Blue Card are selected on the basis of their
economic profitability, ie the capital they bring to the European
economy and the jobs they are able to fill, to the exclusion of all
other considerations
äftigungsverordnung (BeschV) a positive list (Positivist) of trades
suffering from a shortage of manpower classified by Bundesland has been
established. For these businesses, the income requirements were
considerably reduced (€ 39,624 instead of € 50,800)
The jobs in shortage of manpower for the graduates of higher
education (Mangelberufe für Akademiker) relate mainly to trades falling
sectors MINT (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, and
technology). The German economy thus recruits in priority:
There is also a list of less skilled trades. Skilled trades for
skilled workers (Mangelberufe für Facharbeiter) mainly concern
technicians, craftsmen, health care workers, etc. For the latter, other
trainings and income conditions apply to obtain the Blue Card.
The challenges of labor market integration
At the European level
The European directive of 2009 was introduced in France via the
“Law of 16 June 2011 on immigration, integration, and nationality” and
in Germany, since 1 August 2012 via the Gesetz Zur Umsetzung der
Hochqualifizierten- Richtlinie der Europäischen Union
Nevertheless, European harmonization is far from perfect regarding
the conditions for obtaining the Blue Card. Thus, if Germany has given
up demanding sufficient knowledge in German to be able to file its case,
which should enable it to better compete with the Anglo-Saxon
countries, often considered as more attractive by the world’s skilled
workforce. English is the rule, the same is not true for France, which
still requires knowledge of French in order to obtain the Blue Card
On a national level
According to the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Deutscher
Industrie- und Handelskammertag), one in five German companies (one out
of four in the South) is looking to recruit abroad. This need for
skilled labor is especially important for SMEs, which are vital to the
German economy. Indeed, large Konzern have no difficulty recruiting
foreign labor since they are already well established abroad
Also, if a city like Berlin can seem very attractive because of its
international character, knowing that it is certainly easier to
integrate in a big multicultural city, it is nevertheless in the small
SMEs of the small towns of Bavaria or of Baden-Württemberg that the need
for foreign labor is the most pressing
In conclusion, therefore, it will be remembered that with the
liberalization of the conditions for obtaining the Blue Card (lowering
of the required salary level, abandonment of the prerequisite for
knowledge of the German language, etc.) Germany, a country traditionally
perceived as not frankly favorable to immigration,
managed to achieve a
radical change of image and to attract the qualified workforce which
its economy needed. Since 2013, the country is ranked second among the
destinations of global emigration, just behind the United States.
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